Student Partners In Learning

  • Student Partners In Learning

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Caring for and serving new immigrant students and families, promoting Christian culture.

Many immigrant parents express that their children encounter numerous challenges in studying and living upon arriving in the United States. Two major issues faced by Chinese immigrant students and adults in the United States are:

The first is the language barrier. Many new immigrant students and adults are hesitant to speak upon their initial arrival in the United States, making language the most significant obstacle to their integration into American communities and campus life. Quickly reaching or approximating native language proficiency for adult members or students of immigrant families is a crucial issue they face.

The second is cultural differences. The deeply-rooted Confucian tradition in Chinese culture stands in stark contrast to the predominantly Christian-based American culture and Western culture. Understanding and embracing American culture and Western culture, is an essential step for our Chinese community to integrate into American community life. The culture of love advocated by Christianity emphasizes the connection between people and mutual assistance, enabling Chinese immigrants to build relationships and receive warmth through communal connections. By learning to "love thy neighbor" and "love others as oneself," Chinese immigrants can better integrate into American community life.

Student Partners In Learning

Caring for and serving new immigrant students and families, promoting Christian culture.

Together, we can make a difference!